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  一部可以与孩子共同欣赏的好电影(Family movies)可以引起孩子们的思考,激发孩子们问问题,同时也可以增加家长与孩子们的互动,享受一家人聚在一起的温馨与快乐。美国著名的Parent&Child杂志推选出了以下最适合一家人一起看的美国电影前100名排名如下:

  1. The Wizard of Oz, 适合6-7岁儿童

  2. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestial, 适合6-7岁儿童

  3. Mary Poppins, 适合6-7岁儿童

  4. Toy Story 2, 适合3-5岁儿童

  5. The Princess Bride, 适合8-10岁儿童

  6. Beauty and the Beast, 适合3-5岁儿童

  7. Star Wars, 适合6-7岁儿童

  8. The Iron Gian, 适合6-7岁儿童

  9. Pinocchio, 适合6-7岁儿童

  10. A Little Princess, 适合6-7岁儿童

  11. The Lion King, 适合6-7岁儿童

  12. The Sound of Music, 适合6-7岁儿童

  13. The Nightmare Before Christmas, 适合6-7岁儿童

  14. Apollo 13, 适合11-13岁儿童

  15. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 适合6-7岁儿童

  16. Wall-E, 适合3-5岁儿童

  17. Back to the Future, 适合8-10岁儿童

  18. Monsters, Inc., 适合3-5岁儿童

  19. Earth, 适合6-7岁儿童

  20. Spirited Away, 适合11-13岁儿童

  21. Finding Neverland, 适合11-13岁儿童

  22. Finding Nemo, 适合3-5岁儿童

  23. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, 适合3-5岁儿童

  24. Singin' in the Rain, 适合6-7岁儿童

  25. The Incredibles, 适合6-7岁儿童

  26. National Velvet, 适合6-7岁儿童

  27. The Secret Garden, 适合8-10岁儿童

  28. Annie, 适合6-7岁儿童

  29. Yellow Submarine, 适合6-7岁儿童

  30. Ghostbusters, 适合8-10岁儿童

  31. Frankenweenie, 适合8-10岁儿童

  32. Babe, 适合6-7岁儿童

  33. The Court Jester, 适合6-7岁儿童

  34. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 适合8-10岁儿童

  35. Bright Eyes, 适合8-10岁儿童

  36. Modern Times, 适合3-5岁儿童

  37. Shrek 2, 适合6-7岁儿童

  38. The Land Before Time, 适合3-5岁儿童

  39. The Muppet Movie 适合6-7岁儿童

  40. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Perl, 适合11-13岁儿童

  41. Remember the Titans, 适合8-10岁儿童

  42. Mad Hot Ballroom, 适合8-10岁儿童

  43. The Miracle Worker, 适合8-10岁儿童

  44. Monkey Business, 适合3-5岁儿童

  45. Little Women, 适合11-13岁儿童

  46. Superman, 适合8-10岁儿童

  47. Peter Pan, 适合8-10岁儿童

  48. Kirikou and The Sorceress, 适合3-5岁儿童

  49. Sounder, 适合11-13岁儿童

  50. Mrs. Doubtfire, 适合11-13岁儿童

  51. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, 适合6-7岁儿童

  52. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, 适合6-7岁儿童

  53. Elf, 适合6-7岁儿童

  54. The Parent Trap, 适合6-7岁儿童

  55. My Neighbor Totoro, 适合3-5岁儿童.

  56. Big, 适合11-13岁儿童

  57. Tangled, 适合3-5岁儿童

  58. The Adventures of Robin Hood, 适合8-10岁儿童

  59. Kung Fu Panda, 适合6-7岁儿童

  60. The Jungle Book, 适合3-5岁儿童

  61. The Karate Kid, 适合11-13岁儿童

  62. The Sandlot, 适合8-10岁儿童

  63. Homeward Bound, 适合6-7岁儿童

  64. Fantastic Mr. Fox, 适合6-7岁儿童

  65. Enchanted, 适合6-7岁儿童

  66. Newsies, 适合8-10岁儿童

  67. Curious George, 适合3-5岁儿童

  68. The Boonies, 适合8-10岁儿童

  69. The Triplets of Belleville, 适合11-13岁儿童

  70. Puss in Boots, 适合6-7岁儿童

  71. The Nutty Professor, 适合8-10岁

  72. Coraline, 适合8-10岁

  73. Home Alone, 适合6-7岁

  74. Cinderella, 适合3-5岁

  75. The Emperor's New Groove, 适合6-7岁

  76. October Sky, 适合8-10岁

  77. The Addams Family, 适合11-13岁

  78. Indiana Johnes and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, 适合11-13岁

  79. Bend it Like Beckham, 适合11-13岁

  80. How to Train Your Dragon, 适合8-10岁

  81. Bambi, 适合3-5岁

  82. 101 Dalmatians, 适合3-5岁

  83. Hugo, 适合8-10岁

  84. The Mighty Ducks, 适合8-10岁

  85. Time Bandits, 适合8-10岁

  86. Searching for Bobby Fischer, 适合6-7岁

  87. Akeelah and the Bee, 适合8-10岁

  88. A Christmas Story, 适合8-10岁

  89. School of Rock, 适合11-13岁

  90. Pete's Dragon, 适合6-7岁

  91. Bridge to Terabithia, 适合8-10岁

  92. The Indian in the Cupboard, 适合6-7岁

  93. Little Giants, 适合6-7岁

  94. Easter Parade, 适合6-7岁

  95. Free Willy, 适合6-7岁

  96. Darby O'Gill and the Little People, 适合8-10岁

  97. Blue's Big Musical Movie, 适合3-5岁

  98. Bedknobs and Broomsticks, 适合6-7岁

  99. Eight Below, 适合8-10岁

  100. The Princess Diaries, 适合6-7岁


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