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  区别Personal Statement和 Statement of Purpose

  首先,在介绍金融类文书学做之前,我们要先却别两个概念:Personal Statement和Statement of Purpose,看标题似乎区别不是很大,但是在文书写作内容上,有着本质的区别,前者侧重点可以根据自己的特长,能力来布局文书各段落的内容,文章的段落一般3段到6段不等,本人认为段落再多的话,显得文章很冗长,没有顺序,没有重点,Personal Statement的内容包含的比较广泛,从家庭背景,学习现状,学术研究成果,实习经历,求学目的和动机,未来职业计划,到个人兴趣,课外生活,社团活动,特殊经历等,申请者都可以根据自己认为对申请有帮助,或是体现自己与众不用的一面,分别呈现给评审官。后者Statement of Purpose则侧重于Purpose这个词,此类文书更多的是呈现申请者的求学目的和动机,此类的文书经常包含的内容有,专业选择的原因,对所申请专业的理解,学术背景,研究背景,实习经历,未来学业和职业的规划和具体实施步骤,对所申请学校的课程了解,怎样利用该学校的优势来达到和完善自己的目标等,所有的内容基本上都是专业化的体现,对自己专业和未来职业的细致认识。Statement of Purpose文章段落的也是没有具体限制的,但建议一般还是在4到6段。当然,介于学校和学校之间的不同,申请者还可能遇到一些具体的问题需要根据题目具体的给出回答,这样类通常是以essay的形式出现,下面我们就具体针对研究生申请金融类和新闻类专业来分析个人陈述应怎样呈现。



  1. 学术能力和研究成果,突出自己的数学能力
  2. 实习背景,最好是与金融,商业有关的实习经历
  3. 对未来学业和职业的规划
  4. 学校的课程设置怎么能够辅助你完成自己的学业和职业目标



  1. 福德汉姆大学essay 题目之一:

  Describe your great achievement to date. What effect has this achievement had on others?

  The most fulfilling and successful achievement until now would dwell in the contribution to the Youth Volunteer Association, where I had executed the adjustment and programming in the light of the designed plan as the chairman.

  My choice and perseverance derived the wellhead of passion and conviction. Accompanying with the periodic election for the higher position and many interviews, I made the growing transition and ultimately won the position of the chairman in junior due to my competitive qualification. As soon as the inaugural authority came to the force, I implemented a succession of reformation, which subsumed obligation rotation and establishment of evaluation regime. I also furnished the space and training for the reserved chairman developing in order to unfold the impartial and open competition. It was not very long that the watershed moment came after because the effect appeared increasingly in the way that the motivation and enthusiasm of the entire association members as well as the general leaders were appealed. Especially after every activity’s completion, every member got the chance to get familiar with the specialized task owing to the obligation rotation. Through the cohesiveness piled up from the association members, the regular affairs in Youth Volunteer Association had elementarily formed a fundamental and integral system under my direction.

  In the subsequent innovative management, what confer me the great content and pride was the project management contraposing the chaotic volunteer service items under my cogitation. Many items such as personnel management in registration period, individual and psychological quality training and experiences sharing sessions had been correspondingly classified and hierarchically administrated. Lightened by operation model which was guided by separated projects, I realized the most valuable service item-- ‘Volunteer service Group for the disabled’ was worth the investing and further nominated as the brand project in our association on my own idea. For the adequate publicity in the prophase, the ‘Volunteer service Group for the disabled’ project had successively coalesced with Dalian Disabled Persons’ Federation and Wuchang Community of Zhongsha District in Dalian, cooperatively instituting the service base for young volunteers. It provided the service platform for 180 volunteers for the disabled in Dalian University of Technology and financial and spiritual aid for more than 300 invalids from Wuchang Community. In conformity to the stunning stage of volunteer service, our association also launched the dactylology corner in our university, enabling the exchanges between the amateurs of sign language. In 2011, having been reported by 8 bight Medias in Dalian, the progressive Youth Volunteer Association, together with the perfected projects defeated thousands of volunteer service groups in Dalian and eventually won the excellent prize of ‘The Young in Action’ of Dalian. Afterwards, Dalian Tianjian Website interview me as the initiator of ‘Volunteer service Group for the disabled’ project.

  The perfection of association system, the multi-channels aids for the disabled and the coalition of many communities and associations are not the accomplishment that effectuates my destination, but to render the public to be aware of volunteers and get close the disabled reveals my benevolence for the whole society, even for the human beings.

  2. 德宝大学essay题目之一:

  In the competitive world of commerce, where profit is a top priority, one can lose sight of the importance and need for ethical decision-making and business practices. Please describe an instance in your professional career in which you were faced with or involved in an ethical dilemma. How did you choose to address the issue? Were you pleased with the end result? How do you think that the situation could have been handled differently?

  I encountered an ethical dilemma when working at Anqing Branch, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. It was about one of my friends and colleagues, who is a bank teller. One day, she seemed to be troubled by something. “What’s up?” asked I. she told me that her father was attacked by stomach cancer for which the chemotherapy cost was so high that her family could not afford it. Therefore, I offered to lend her some money but she refused. Several days later, I asked her again and was told that she had got the money by embezzling funds from the bank. “Please keep it a secret. I will give it back as soon as possible…” she begged me.

  I was lost facing such a matter. On one side, she was such a good person that I believed she must have done it against her will. I had no doubt that she would return the money. Besides, she might be fired if I brought her to the President. That would add to her misfortunes and impact her father’s receiving in-time treatment. On the other side, her behavior had violated the bank’s regulations and was against the professional ethic. To turn a blind eye to it might turn into a kind of encouragement to such behaviors. It would have negative impact on the operation of the bank.

  After several days’ careful consideration, I finally reached the decision to talk about it with a Deputy President, who was understanding and reasonable, hoping that she would be given a lighter punishment. Luckily, all the presidents of our bank agreed at last on the punishment of circulating a notice of criticism and deducting part of her wages instead of dismissing her. I was quite glad of the result.






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