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  申请硕士金融的学生越来越多,如何在数以万计、牛校背景不断的申请这种脱颖而出呢?以往的时候我们还在依靠硬指标,比如超过3.6的GPA,比如难得一见的超过700的GMAT,比如让人瞠舌的过了110的TOEFL,还有什么500强金融企业的实习。而如今看来这些都在我们申请者不断地努力中变得司空见惯了,而美国的院校在提高了硬性条件指标的同时,比如toefl现在一般需要IBT 100,GMAT均分也到了668等,加大了对申请文书的关注。金融硕士的申请大部分学校不要求学生提供个人陈述,而用三到四篇或者更多篇小论文来代替。小论文也是申请者所有申请材料中的重中之重。但是在申请的时候如何才能写出漂亮而又能突出自己特点及优势的论文,在千钧万马的战场中杀出自己的阳光大道,是所有申请者绞尽脑汁思索的问题。









  我们以学生毕业之后近投行工作为例,毕业之初学生的短期目标可以是在某一很有实力的投行做analyst,然后是associate, 再是research  division,并且说明在每个阶段申请者将会掌握到哪些技能以为下一阶段的晋升做准备,就会让招生管觉得学生不仅对金融有着真实而浓烈的兴趣,而且对自己的将来有一个非常清晰的规划,在申请中比较容易脱颖而出并拿到录取通知书。




  比如说学成大学的申请中就有这样一个小论文Describe a situation where your professional ethics were challenged and how you came to terms with the situation. Pepperdine University的申请中也同样出现了涉及到道德问题的小论文。What did you learn from this? Describe an ethical dilemma that you encountered. Explain alternatives you considered and how you determined the best action to take (maximum 350 words).这样的小论文通常会难倒不少的申请人,因为学生大学四年期间真的很少有这样的经历,但是之前我们申请过程中遇到过一个学生提供了一个很不错的素材,跟大家做个分享,希望对申请金融研究生的学生有帮助。这个学生暑假期间做社会调查,就选择了周黑鸭作为调查对象,实地考察中学生发现周黑鸭的员工们不仅待遇不高,而且福利特别差,加班现象特别严重,员工的付出和收入远远不成比例,于是学生准备如实反映周黑鸭的现状。而此时周黑鸭的一个管理阶层的员工找到了学生,跟学生讲了经济危机情形下公司的经营多么困难等等,并且暗示学生如果不如实报道,可以给学生一些物质上补偿。学生就以此件事情为切入点,详细描述了当时的内心活动及思想斗争,并且通过怎样的分析和比较最终做出了怎样的决定。事件的整个过程都在小论文中得到了详细的描写和体现,等定稿出来以后学生和我们都一致认为关于道德的小论文这篇是写的最成功的,而学生最终也申请到了理想的学生并拿到了8000美金的奖学金。  


  一、卡内基梅陇大学(Carnegie Mellon University),计算机金融(MSCF), 有两个必要essay

  Essay A* (Required for Full- and Part-Time Applicants)

  What are your short-term and long-term goals? How will your previous academic and professional experience contribute to help you achieve those goals, and also help you to succeed in the MSCF Program at Carnegie Mellon University?

  ESSAY B* (Required for Full- and Part-Time Applicants)

  Describe your background and preparation in the four concentration areas of the MSCF program – finance, computer science, math and statistics. In particular, please detail your background in calculus-based probability. If your only exposure to probability was as part of a course that combined probability and statistics, please list the probability topics covered by this course.

   波士顿大学(Boston University),数学金融(MSMF),有三个essay

  The following 3 essays are required:

  1. Describe your decision to pursue an graduate degree, highlighting the following:

   a. Your motivation for pursuing a master's degree in mathematical finance (250 words)
   b. Your reason for choosing to apply to Boston University (250 words)
   c. Your immediate post‐graduate career goals and 5‐yeaar career plan (250 words)

  2. Describe a situation when you faced an ethical challenge in an academic environment. What was the impact of your decision on you and your classmates? (250 words)

  3. Answer three of the fol lowing six short answer sentences: (1000 words each) 

   Introduce yourself to your future BU MSMF classmates
   My interest in finance developed when……
   My most significant professional experience was…
   Ann interesting fact about me is…
   To prepare for a career in finance, I know I will need to…
   I am most passionate about … It makes me unique because…

  三康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut),金融工程(MAFM)

  Personal Statement of Purpose

  This document should tell your program's admissions committee all you would like to bring out in a personal interview.

  Include your reasons for undertaking graduate work, your ultimate plans, and how you happened to select the field in which you hope to concentrate. Details about your preparation, your strengths and weaknesses as a student, any academic honors, scholarships, or fellowships you have received, will all be helpful.

  You also should consult any website(s) maintained by the graduate program to which you applying; these often list additional dimensions that are of particular interest to that program (e.g., your choice of graduate advisor and a rationale for it).

  The committee wants to know those things about you that cannot be expressed quantitatively

  四、密歇根安娜堡(University of Michigan-Ann Arbor),金融工程(MSFE)

  a.Personal Statement (500 word limit)

  How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan?

  For example, if you grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, you might discuss the impact this had on your development and interests. This should be a discussion of the journey that has led to your decision to seek a graduate degree.

  Please do not repeat your Academic Statement of Purpose.

  b.Since graduating from high school, have you pursued any volunteer activities, work experiences, or leadership of student organizations that were specifically related to reducing social, educational or economic disparities based on race, ethnicity or gender, or to improving race relations in the U.S.?Describe briefly (limit 500 characters.) (Characters are numbers, letters, spaces and enter/return button.)

  c. Academic Statement of Purpose

  The applicant should provide a 1.5-2 pages, 1.5 spaced, 12 pt font, statement and also submit a 2-3 minute video presentation answering the following questions: why you are interested in Financial Engineering; why you would be a good fit for the University of Michigan program; what your strengths and weaknesses are; and what career options you see for yourself in the future. The instructions for the video are on our website at http://financialeng.engin.umich.edu.

  The following information is required on the header of your Academic Statement of Purpose:

  · Write "Academic Statement of Purpose" at the top of your document
  ·Your name
  · The name of the graduate program
  ·Your 8 digit U-M ID (if known)

  Please include a one-inch margin on each page of your document.

  Please upload your Academic Statement of Purpose using the following button:

  All documents uploaded to the online application must be Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat files (.doc, .docx or .pdf, limited to under 10MB). We have created a guide for converting your documents to one of these formats.

  俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University),MSF, 两个essay

  Essay 1: Shaping your vision*

  Every year Fisher College's Specialized Master in Finance program admits a select group of talented professionals with demonstrated potential to become successful business leaders in an increasingly competitive, global environment. Why do you want to earn a SMF degree in general and a Fisher College SMF in particular? How will Fisher specifically assist you in achieving your individual potential? As part of your response, include a brief summary of your professional accomplishments to date. If you have not held a full-time job or are still in college, let us know about your leadership accomplishments in a school, internship, or extracurricular context.
(recommended maximum 1000 words).

  Essay 2: Focusing on professionalism*

  One of Fisher College's strengths is its dedication to developing outstanding professionals. Below are ten attributes that characterize great professionals in today’s world of business and finance. Pleaseselect the two criteria that best describe you, your style or your successes to date and provide us with concrete evidence of your accomplishments.Write an essay for each of the two characteristics you select, describing situations in which you exemplified these traits. Please title each of your essays with the specific attribute (e.g. 'endurance') that you have chosen for yourself. (each 750 words max)。第二个essay选两个方面,写两个小essay

  ·Global awareness
  ·Communication and interpersonal skills

  All applicants are required to complete 2 essays. (The essay questions are included in the application.) If your undergraduate degree was in something other than finance, you must submit an essay on how your educational background prepared you for the Fisher SMF program. You will submit your essays electronically as part of your online application submission.


  Personal Statements

  Two personal statements are required as follows:

  1. Describe your career objectives. Be as specific as you can concerning the types of positions and responsibility levels to which you aspire. Include long-term as well as short-term goals. Describe your expectations concerning the role of the MBA program in achieving your goals. (Approximately 700 words.)

  2. Select ONE of the following three topics and submit a response of approximately 700 words:

  Describe a time when you were leading a group that faced a significant problem but were able to resolve it in a positive manner.
  Describe a time when your ethics were challenged, how you dealt with the situation and what you learned from it?
  Describe a time when you had a significant misunderstanding with someone from a different background or culture and how you resolved the misunderstanding.

  All personal statements must be uploaded to the application. Be sure to include your full name identical to that used on the application site.

  七、丹佛大学(University of Denver), MSF

  1) What contribution will you make to the Daniels learning environment? Include examples of previous experience that demonstrate your readiness for graduate school, specific to the program for which you are applying (maximum 350 words).

  2) Describe an ethical dilemma that you encountered. Explain alternatives you considered and how you determined the best action to take (maximum 350 words).

  3) Provide any additional information you would like the admissions committee to consider concerning your professional experience, personal accomplishments or academic record (maximum 150 words).

  八、马里兰大学(University of Maryland), MS in business: Finance


  Application essays allow the admissions committee to get to know you better both professionally and personally. Additionally, the essays are used to assess writing skills, which are critical in the graduate business degree program.

  What are your specific post-graduate short-term and long-term goals? How will a graduate degree from the Robert H. Smith School of Business assist you in achieving your goals? Finally, please discuss your personal and professional motivations for pursuing a graduate degree. Please limit your response to 2 pages, double-spaced.


  Please use this essay to provide the admissions committee with additional information that will assist us in evaluating your candidacy (for example, an explanation for gaps in employment history or an undergraduate grade point average that is less than 3.0). If you are a reapplicant, you can also use this essay to highlight changes in your application from last year.

  九、布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University),MSF


  Please provide a response to each of the following questions. Please type each essay, and limit each response to two pages.

  Essay1. What International/cross-cultural experiences will you bring to Brandeis International Business School and how will this contribute to the classroom?

  Essay2. In what ways do your academic background and recent professional or managerial experience provide evidence of your potential for success in the program you selected and in your eventual career? Please give specific examples of relevant coursework and/or experience.

  Essay3. (Optional) Is there any further information we should consider in assessing your candidacy?

  十、凯瑟西楚大学(Case Western Reserve University),MSF


  Please enter your response for the following essay topic. Your essay should be approximately one page in length (double-spaced), or approximately 250 words.*

  Essay1,Describe your motivation for pursuing a master's degree.

  How does it fit with your long/short-term goals? How have your academic, career, or life experiences prepared you for this program?

  What strengths will you bring, and what knowledge and insights are you hoping to develop during this learning experience?

  Are there any concerns about your application that you would like to address?

  If you would prefer to upload a document in response to this question, please click the 'upload' button below. If your upload is successful, you will see a 'view document' button and a 'delete' button appear next to the question.

  Please Note: The system will save only an uploaded document or a typed essay but not both.
  Essay 2, please answer one of the four essay questions shown below.*

  You may choose any of these questions; please be sure to indicate at the top of the response which question you are answering:

  Describe a situation where your academic or professional ethics were challenged and how you dealt with the situation. What did you learn from the experience?

  What is the most difficult feedback you have received, and how did you address it?

  Throughout our lives, we have significant experiences or 'milestones' that have a lasting impact on us. Briefly describe such an event and its impact on you.

  If the program that you are applying to is not the same as your undergraduate major, please explain your interest in this field and why you would like to pursue it now in your educational career. How did you become interested in the topic and what are you hoping the program can offer you?

  If you would prefer to upload a document in response to this question, please click the 'upload' button below. If your upload is successful, you will see a 'view document' button and a 'delete' button appear next to the question.

  Please Note: The system will save only an uploaded document or a typed essay but not both.

  十一、佩珀代因大学(Pepperdine University),MSF

  Please answer the following questions in four separate essays, not longer than two pages each, using a typed, double-spaced format with one-inch margins.

  1. What characteristics of Pepperdine’s M.S. program motivated you to apply to the Graziadio School, and how do you think those characteristics will help you achieve your personal and professional goals? Please, be specific.

  2. How will your involvement in undergraduate extracurricular activities contribute to your learning in this program, as well as the learning experiences of your classmates?

  3. What do you consider to be the single-most valuable contribution you will make to the Graziadio School community? Provide past examples.

  4. Discuss a failure you have experienced, including what you learned from that experience

  十二、杜兰大学(Tulane University),MSF


  The following essay should convey your professional aspirations. Please choose one essay below. Please limit your response to one, single-spaced, typed page.


  Create a cover letter detailing why the Admissions Committee should 'hire' you for the MFIN program.


  Draft a job description detailing your ideal position following completion of the MFIN program (should include job title, goals, responsibilities, day to day activities, skills and abilities required).



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